
interface MavFrameV2<T> : MavFrame<T>

Represents a MAVLink v2 frame.


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abstract val checksum: UShort

The checksum of this frame.

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abstract val componentId: UByte

The ID of the component that originated this frame.

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abstract val isSigned: Boolean

Flag to check if the frame is signed or not.

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abstract val message: T

The message/payload of this frame.

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abstract val sequence: UByte

The sequence of this frame.

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abstract val signature: ByteArray

The signature of this frame.

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abstract val signatureLinkId: UByte

ID of the link on which this frame is sent. This value is 0u if this packet is not signed.

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abstract val signatureTimestamp: UInt

Timestamp in 10 microsecond units since 1st January 2015 GMT time. This value or 0u if this packet is not signed.

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abstract val systemId: UByte

The ID of the system that originated this frame.


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abstract fun validateSignature(secretKey: ByteArray): Boolean

Validates this frame's signature, using its own link ID, timestamp and the given secretKey.