
fun MavConnection.asRx3(scheduler: Scheduler = Rx3MavConnection

A helper function to wrap a MavConnection as an Rx3MavConnection. The returned Rx3MavConnection uses the provided scheduler to perform the IO operations of reading and sending the messages.

fun MavConnection.asRx3(scheduler: Scheduler =, onFailure: Rx3MavConnection.() -> Unit = {}): Rx3MavConnection


Rx3MavConnection with onFailure callback is deprecated and will be removed in the future releases. For checking the states including failure, use Rx3MavConnection.streamState.

Replace with

import com.divpundir.mavlink.adapters.rxjava3.asRx3

A helper function to wrap a MavConnection as an Rx3MavConnection. The returned Rx3MavConnection uses the provided scheduler to perform the IO operations of reading and sending the messages. The onFailure callback is invoked when an exception is thrown while reading the messages. This can be used to implement a custom reconnection strategy.