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abstract val mavFrame: Flowable<MavFrame<out MavMessage<*>>>

A stream of MavFrames.

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abstract val streamState: Flowable<StreamState>

The current state of the connection stream.


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abstract fun close(): Completable

Closes the underlying MavConnection and stops the reading process.

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abstract fun connect(): Completable

Connects the underlying MavConnection and start reading from it. The Completable will receive a completed signal when the connection is created and then the reading process will start as a new task. The current implementation uses the IO Scheduler by default to schedule the tasks.

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abstract fun <T : MavMessage<T>> sendSignedV2(systemId: UByte, componentId: UByte, payload: T, linkId: UByte, timestamp: UInt, secretKey: ByteArray): Completable

Sends the provided payload wrapped in a signed MAVLink v2 frame.

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abstract fun <T : MavMessage<T>> sendUnsignedV2(systemId: UByte, componentId: UByte, payload: T): Completable

Sends the provided payload wrapped in an unsigned MAVLink v2 frame.

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abstract fun <T : MavMessage<T>> sendV1(systemId: UByte, componentId: UByte, payload: T): Completable

Sends the provided payload wrapped in a Mavlink v1 frame.